Business design

You have a product/service but are still looking for his business model?

You want to target new customers and offer them new usages?

We guide incumbents on the path to innovation and startup on their way to scaling.

How we work

Creating a performing business implies to deliver a strong value proposition to the user, while ensuring the sustainability of the activity.

Together, we aim at:

  • framing the expected job to be done
  • identifying the links between your product, the market, and users
  • designing a business model that takes advantage of theses links
  • building a partnership strategy to improve your product
  • building a go to market strategy, from early adopters to mass market

We conduct interviews, on the field observations and workshops with your team to shape your shared roadmap.

Our deliverables

  • Job to be done of your service
  • A scenario of business model
  • A scenario of partnership: interfaces, tutorials, and distribution
  • A critical path to massmarket

Why 15marches ?

  • A deep knowledge of new businesses

  • Experienced creators of new activities and new business models in the team

  • We believe explaining, helping to understand and convincing is part of the success

Our references

  • gaiago

    How to value data in the value chain of agriculture

  • Aliapur : Collecte et recyclage de vos pneus

    Find new business models based on waste material